2077. A reckless, 13-year-old thrill-seeker, Dax routinely tests his parents’ rules and when things go south, he’s pretty good at charming his way out of the consequences. Plus, he’s just started noticing girls – which complicates everything. But he also has a powerful aptitude for science and a gift for problem-solving - not so surprising, as his mom, Dr. Dayna Zander, is a renowned physicist who designed the undersea compound they call home, 90 kilometers north of Oahu and 20 meters below the surface. Once a bustling military hub commanded by his dad, decorated naval hero Captain Evan Zander, the base has served its purpose in ending the InterOceanic Pirate Wars, and is soon to become a marine laboratory.
While enjoying a few days topside at his Grampa Pat’s awesome Kawela Bay beach house with little brother Kai, Dax and billions of others are stunned to look up to the stars one night and see a mysterious green symbol, glowing over the surface of the new moon. Soon the entire family gathers at Grampa’s; even Shaw, Dax's big brother, takes a break from his marine biology studies in Miami and return to Hawaii, sensing impending change. Sure enough, not long after, three stunningly beautiful, extraterrestrial beings interrupt a summit of global diplomats in Vancouver, but their greeting blacks out when the media feed is cut at the source, leaving all of Planet Earth on edge.
Though everyone is mystified, Doctor and Captain Zander are soon getting urgent calls from powerful leaders in science and the military. It isn’t long before Dax and Shaw discover that not only is humanity on the verge of a fantastic new journey, but their family is to be at the center of a daring effort to rescue an alien race from annihilation. It doesn't matter that the enemy is ruthless, as yet unseen by human eyes and their capacities unknown - Earth responds with compassion, sending an all-volunteer protectorate force to the coldest, deepest corner of a tiny, far flung little world.
For Dax Zander, after years of skating by, cheating the odds with crazy stunts and laughing at the risks, fate presents a life-changing challenge – to grow up, step bravely into a dangerous new world at the center of a distant galaxy – and take responsibility for far more than he’d ever dreamed. His choices will touch the lives of everyone he holds dear, friends and millions of others, in profound ways.
And if he lives through it all, someday Dax might just become a hero.

“Your son is a bridge between epochs and events.
He is consequential to the survival of the Delvans.”
Committed to helping their extraordinary new friends - the Delvans - repel a potentially devastating alien invasion, Dax, his family, dozens of scientists, and hundreds of troops prepare for a daring journey to a tiny, faraway planet. After some painful goodbyes to friends and loved ones, they all reach their temporary quarters, a series of sprawling caverns, deep on the cold ocean floor of Delvus-3.
Commodore Zander’s troops and drones immediately begin tracking the Ogribods: fierce, nomadic warriors who have already set up a strategic base on the opposite side of the planet’s core. The twin mysteries of what these ominous strangers want with this particular world, and what their weaknesses might be, keep everyone very busy as new weaponry, undersea vessels and intelligence technology are developed for a confrontation nobody wants.
Eager to explore the 'liquisphere' of his exotic new home, Dax soon comes face to face with the 'aggressors,' but his actions trigger a chain reaction of events that will forever impact the lives of everyone on Delvus-3 - and Earth - forever.
Join the Mission of Mercy and dive deep into a new universe of adventure!